We need your full vin and MACK E7 engine serial number
In order to provide you with an accurate and tailored quote for a drop-in replacement engine that perfectly suits your needs, we will need two essential pieces of information: your full vehicle VIN and the engine serial number. For individuals utilizing a Mack E7 diesel engine, the Mack E7 engine serial number can be in two places.
It is always on the engine data plate with other details like the engine model number, horsepower rating, and RPM specifications. After years of use, the engine data plate might fall off due to wear and tear. When this occurs, look for your engine serial number imprinted or stamped on the block itself. While this might be present a slight challenge in terms of locating the specific imprint, rest assured that the serial number is indeed present on the block, awaiting discovery. It can be tricky to find… But it is there.
Why we need this information
We always ask for the full Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) along with the engine’s serial number before quoting an engine to a customer.
This allows two things: firstly, it verifies that the replacement engine will fit into your application. This avoids the need for any substantial modifications during installation.
Secondly, cross-referencing of the Mack E7 engine serial number and the VIN allows us to provide you a precise quotation. Additionally, this cross referencing gives you accurate and fair pricing based on the unique configuration of your engine.
Looking for your Mack E7 Engine Serial Number?
Below, this video on our YouTube channel shows you where to look.